Events for 2024
The Club hosts a wide range of events each year. Please refer to this page and the Hunton Herald for updates.
'Sextant to Sat-Nav (with a fear of heights)': Tuesday 24th September. 7.30 for 8.00pm start.
An open meeting, organised by the Hunton Ladies Group when Peter Griffiths will talk on Aviation.
Green Hop Beer Festival:
Friday the 25th, Saturday the 26th and Sunday the 27th October 2024.
More details, times, etc to be updated soon.
Walk and / or Lunch: Thursday 14th November.
Friday the 4th, Saturday the 5th and Sunday the 6th October 2024. *
Walk and / or Lunch: Saturday 28th December. *
Walk and / or Lunch: Saturday 28th December. *
Examples of some of the other events that the Club holds include:
- Quiz Nights are a 'just for fun' type event and are always popular.
- Social Suppers: Including ones for the Gardening group.
- The Club Committee welcomes new suggestions and ideas for events and volunteers to help run them! If you are willing to help in any way, then please get in touch.
Our regular monthly events include:
- Gents Beer Night, held on the first Wednesday of each month
- Book Group, held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month
- Needles and Natter. held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month
- Hunton Ladies evening, held on the last Wednesday of each month.
Please note: Booking is essential for events marked with an * for these events or more information on any event, please contact:
Lesley Lee on 01622 820210 or email